System Protection
with internet connectivity becoming quicker the threats to your network are becoming increasingly
Direct integration with our flagship. A single, central management platform alerts us when issues arise and enables us to push policies and automatic updates across all of your accounts easily and efficiently,
Content Filtering
Helps protect users from malicious online content and blocks access to many inappropriate websites. Boost their productivity and yours by centrally managing web access based on client defined usage policies
AVG Antispam will stop those unwanted emails ever reaching your server or mailbox, all emails are scanned by avg and placed in an online vault.
Protect your organization with highly effective intrusion prevention, anti-malware, content/URL filtering and application control with our firewall solution with Unified Threat Management (UTM) firewalls. Eliminate network bottlenecks and increase productivity while also providing secure access to a broad range of mobile devices, including laptops, smartphones and tablets. Confidently deploy this secure, sophisticated small-business firewall appliance in a wide range of organizations, such as retail, branch/remote offices or home offices. you can be assured your wired and wireless networks are protected by a secure, sophisticated and widely deployed security platform.